Designed February 2012- May 2012 / Constructed May 2012
Architectural Design / Lighting Design: AFH Athens Chapter in collaboration with National Theatre of Greece
Design team members: Sofia Kremmuda, Foteini Kyriakidou, Tina Mpreki, Chrysi Nikoloutsou, Theodora
Ntatsopoulou, Katerina Pitti, Marilli Spiliadi, Despoina Fillipoidou
Photos: AFH Athens Chapter
The installation of Architecture for Humanity Athens [AFH] took place under "Common View" parallel events program of the National Theatre of Greece. The scope was to create a temporary event space in the Ziller building's yard, which will be open to the community. It is worth mentioning that the Theatre is located in a developing area in the centre of Athens, so the proposal aims to upgrade the neighbourhood by offering a new cultural public space to both residents and visitors. Thus, AFH design team pulled out from Theatre storages old theatrical sets, which recycled- reused them in different ways in order to form and inform the public space. So, for six nights old sceneries created the context for performances, screenings, talks, lectures and art events, cultivating the beginning of a dialogue between both the theatre and the visual arts , and the city with the building of the National with clear implications the social fabric.